Small Marketing Wins for Small Business

Not every business wants to grow into a large business.


But every business needs a flow of new clients or repeat clients to survive.


If you are just starting out, or don’t have a large budget here are four ideas to get going with your marketing.

Facebook Groups


If you haven’t looked at Facebook Groups for a while, you are missing out. Your peers and customers are curating new groups daily and you would be surprised at how many are out there. All groups have rules and you need to check which groups you join and align with. As an example, if you are in a trade, there are many local ‘trades and services wanted’ groups popping up each week. Take a while to participate and add value and you are likely to win new work as time goes on. Even if you are in a very obscure trade or service, there are groups for you. 


Cold Outreach


This marketing process is tricky. You must have a clear reason to contact someone if you are reaching out cold. We suggest practicing your pitch over and over before you reach out. But once you do, set a goal of five calls per week. This way you have an outreach target to help you through the nerves of marketing your business to people you don’t know. Whether you call or email, acknowledge it is a cold call and ask if it is an ok time to chat. Have your follow up process planned, including saving the contact info you get and emailing a thank you right away,


Warm Networks


Something which is often overlooked is making sure your friends and family know what you do. Recently, we updated our personal Facebook pages and were extremely surprised by the number of Direct Messages we received as a result of doing the update. We get caught up ‘doing’ the work in our business and we often forget that not everyone around us knows what we do. 


Google Maps 


Small and nimble marketing, make sure you have your business details loaded into Google Maps so it can recommend you in your location to people looking for exactly what you do! 


Small Marketing changes can get you up and running in your business, or keep leads and jobs coming through if you are already in business. If you want to know more about these smaller marketing efforts you can book a time in my diary here or fill out our contact form.

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