Google Ads for Not For Profit Entities in Australia

Recently there has been an increase in the number of non-profit organisations using social media platforms like Google Ads.


Non-profit organisations receive government and private funding and as a side-effect, may choose to use social media to reach a wider audience than if they used traditional advertising tools.


But, depending on your perspective this could also mean that more money is being spent on internet advertising.

Enter the Google Grant for Not For Profit Entities in Australia.


This grant brings up to $10,000USD of ad spend each month to grow your NFP audience. Here is what you need to know:


How to set it up


Google has tasked the setup in two clear items. A ‘token’ administered by an NFP in Australia and the Google Ads account itself – you (or your marketing team) doing the ads.


Testing out the ads


This area is complicated and has many layers. We highly recommend watching this video with Paul Quilliam where we asked him how his success with Hummingbird House (a Not For Profit in Queensland) marketing could be used with Not For Profits in today’s environment. In short – start with a clear strategy first before embarking.


What success looks like


Success should look like more stakeholder engagement across your Not For Profit. At the end of the day, your message should be stronger across multiple platforms resulting in better service or care, and more funds or grants to complete the work.


Takeaway: You can use Google Ads for non-profit purposes


So if it is easy, why isn’t everyone doing it? Because we have made it sound easy as it is now second nature to us. Defining the requirements at the board level, implementing the plan, and monitoring the success is what we do as a business. We do recommend it, but we also recommend getting expert advice.


Some non-profit areas that can use this


  • Charity
  • Children’s Services
  • Employment Services
  • Legal Aid and Services
    Community Services and Outreach


How to manage stakeholders with ads


Communicating a message from the board down is a complicated process involving so many key people – let alone the end result of why your NFP exists. Once you define exactly the core purpose of your Not For Profit, you can implement a strategy to communicate to all stakeholders involved. You can tailor your message with multiple ads in multiple locations to get the maximum impact.


Grow your social media with Google Ads


Finally – think about this. Grants do come and go. But if you can grow your audience both internal (database) and external (social media) through Google ads, why wouldn’t you? It reduces the requirement of grants in the future not limited to grants just for ads. Your growth across databases and socials should put you in good stead to receive funding into the future. Essentially – use the Google Ads Grants to future proof your Not For Profit.

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