Building Revenue Resilience For Your NFP

Not For Profit organisations are no strangers to financial uncertainty, however, the current pandemic and subsequent events of the past 18 months have presented challenges to the sector like never before.


 Once lockdowns began, many organisations were unable to fulfil their mission due to a lack of revenue and had to reduce or change their core offerings in order to stay above water.


While many organisations had to seek out new sources of funding, there were also those who were nimble and able to adapt to the changing environment, achieving success they never dreamed of.

Building Revenue Resilience

So how did these organisations succeed?


Revenue Resilience


The ability to reduce threats to the revenue base and create new, sustainable revenue streams as needed. In simpler terms, when faced with financial uncertainty and challenges, it’s the ability to find a work around.


One such way is to take advantage of financial support in the forms of grants, donations and other resources. While there are various options available, depending on where your Not For Profit is based, one of the least known about and most lucrative, is the Google Ad Grant.


This grant provides eligible Not For Profits with $10,000 USD (approximately $13,500 AUD at the time of writing) every month to use within their Google Ad platform. These ads can be used to drive community awareness, attract potential donors and even volunteers.  


By strategically utilising this grant, you can position your NFP to be financially resilient and ride out whatever future economic challenges may arise in the world we live in.


If this sounds like something your organisation would like to know more about, why not book a meeting with us to see how this grant could be used to make your NFP revenue resilient.

Book a Meeting With Me Below So We Can Talk About How to Get More Engagement For Your Not For Profit Organisation.