Top 5 Ways To Convert More Sales In Your Business

How do you want to make more money?


The answer is simple: convert more sales!


In this post, we will list 5 ways that you can increase your conversion rate.


If you are ready to up your game and focus on converting more sales, then read on!

1. Make sure your website is easy to navigate

Most of the time people will want to get to your contact page or contact details. Why deny them this? Make it as easy as possible to get in touch. Outside of this check your site on both desktop and mobile.

2. Create a Facebook fan page or group and post links to it

Your social media pages will grow over time, but you have to be persistent. Unless you are in the rare few who nail it first go, your social pages will take time to ‘grow’ with you.

3. Have the message within your brand do a lot of the work for you


Your brand and your message related to your brand can save you a lot of time in attracting the right customer and closing on that customer.

4. Add a “Contact Us” section with information about how people can contact you, such as phone number, email address, and mailing address

Sounds simple but over and over we see examples of sites lacking contact pages. Every blog is a chance to attract new customers and a chance to add in opt-ins to capture their information.


We use Hubspot to track businesses hitting our website for future outreach.

5. Use Social Media to its full potential – video


Start exploring using video. It is hard at first, awkward even.


But as you get more comfortable with the process of making video and having this on your social media you will realise how repurposing this content will gain you more customers.

After reading this post, you should have a better understanding of how to increase your conversion rate.


If you want more sales and are ready for the next level in growth, then get started on these 5 tips today! We can help with all aspects of business development – from website design to social media marketing strategy.


Contact us today if you’re interested in our 90-day sprint package that will shift your way of thinking about digital products into one focused on converting as many customers as possible.

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